
Thursday, 22 December 2011


Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Robin Williams "The world must bow to Greek history!"

Exclusive interview / mission in London: George Satsidis

The Academy Award winner for «Good Will Hunting» Robin Williams is more than a talented actor in Hollywood.He has the stuff of comedy that ranks him among the legends of its kind, and his life could well be a well-written dramatic novel. The "THEMA People" met him in London where he promotes «Happy Feet 2», to which he lends once more his colorful voice.It is so fun to debate with him. Conversation is developing to a one man show! He makes fun, jokes, laughs, mimicking voices. He has boundless humor, love for life and passion for his job. An open heart surgery, a few years ago, made him appreciate even more out of life: "From that day I make my cross every time I'm above ground. I do not want to lose minutes from the valuable experience of life, "he says. In «Happy Feet 2» Robin gives a second voice to Ramon, an explosive penguin. In the sequel of the movie likeable animals face the consequences of ecological destruction, as glaciers melt and penguins have trouble surviving. In the famous animation lends her voice the sexy Sophia Vergara, for which Williams states that have more than just chemistry.

- How do you feel about the "Happy Feet 2»;

I feel like I am back at my family. The director George Miller is more than a partner.At first we passed awesome, it was a fascinating experience. This year, production was in Australia and spent over one month in the studio with Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Sofia Vergara. The director is a perfectionist, but this did not deprive the process of laughter. Besides the task we had was very pleasant ...

- How is it to work with an explosive beauty as Sophia Vergara?

Oh, when I told Sofia every day «hi» I felt really very ... high. With such a woman someone realizes the cause of global temperature rising. She is an active volcano and yet so affordable that you can not believe it. She is not a woman who plays it beautiful but a woman who is beautiful because she rather ignores it! She laughed with everything i said, which means that she has great patience and can tolerate me. We're talking about a great feat!

- Recently you said that the experience of surgery in the heart changed 
you a lot.

Very much. Every day I live I am grateful to God. My dependence on alcohol was 
knownToday, I wonder with my obsession and regret the years I lost. For too long I only drink water, I am glad that my heart bore and now here I am creating new things.I am now permanently in San Francisco near the sea. The weather is wonderful, something that makes me realize how important every day is in our lives. When  the problems with my heart rectified, I promised myself that from now on will not pick it on and I will not have any dependencies in my life - except maybe the Internet, which I worship,  i am obsessed and passionate. I am googling all day wherever i am and I love playing games.

- There is a rumor that in the Internet you impersonate a six year old girl!

Lie, when I play games with others i do not do that. Okay, I'm not saying who I am but I'm saying i am a little girl. I am addicted to the Internet when i am not working, I spend endless hours reading countless articles. When i was younger i was warying of technology, but the in the way I understood it's funny not to adjust to every season's ethics. I do not want to be elsewhere, I want to be inside what is now happening in our world. I love the contact with new people and always want to hear their opinion.

- I know you've visited Greece. What do you think?

I have come for a holiday with a boat and we went to all the islands. Facing them you say: "I can not believe that here is recounted everything we read in Greek mythology." Greek History is something all mankind must must bow . Maybe your economy goes to hell, but that does not mean you're helpless. Economic data is constantly changing in Europe and America for all. What is not changing is the legacy, your identity. The Parthenon does not leave Athens. It's there to remind that progress and prosperity may return. I am now in England, for example, I went nowhere. I'm here to promote the movie and I will leave. What to see, Buckingham Palace? I Do not care. As when I go to Germany, I 'm not interested in the Berlin Wall, which is not a symbol of prosperity, but the opposite.
But you can not ignore Delos, the Parthenon and Mycenae !

- What do you believe that the spectators of "Happy Feet 2" will enjoy;

Of course that is 3D. Who can resist the magic of three dimensions?

(Translated from greek by Pyros)

From PROTO THEMA newspaper 05/12/2011

Sunday, 18 December 2011

What Hellenes did for us!

Part from the article


Let’s take things up from the beginning to make clear to our readers what we have been meaning to say. We are starting by looking at a distant “map” of the European history …Distant enough to see its whole course but at the same time close enough to not lose track of its “leading roles”. So, we are starting from finding out which event is a really important historic event for Europe and which is not. We are starting from an elementary “clearing up” of the useless historic “floatsam and jetsam” that we are bearing in our heads and which has no importance. Out of the supposedly complex European history only a few dates are really important. What is described by the history science as “important”, it is usually an unimportant repetition that interests only those who are implicated in it and no one else.
For example, an important event for the European history was when Leonidas decided to raise his defence in Thermopylae against the Persian “storm” that was threatening Europe. An important event was when Alexander the Great “galloped” all over Asia. Charlemagne, Napoleon or Peter the Great were unimportant, as impressive as their accompanying phenomena were. Why is that? Because importance lays in the “course” of Europe and not in its interior “layout” that depended on the “galloping” of unimportant men in Europe. No matter how much blood was mixed with mud, the “unimportant” kings of the important Europe remain at the same level …The level defined by Europe itself and its position in the World.
This is the same logic used to judge not only the men but also the great events that were supposed to mark the history of Europe. The Battle of the Granicus River was important for Europe because it had set the grounds for its domination for over a millennium. The fall of Constantinople was unimportant because it just caused a change in the internal correlations of Europe. The battle at Waterloo was unimportant for the same reasons. Trafalgar sea battle was also unimportant. This means that a significant event for Europe and its history is considered to be whatever affects its position in the World and not its internal correlations.
Events and persons who change these correlations are of secondary significance and they are significant just for the peoples that benefit or are affected from them without this causing any change in the general European interests. The battle at Waterloo has without a doubt a great significance for the French and the British people, so does Trafalgar sea battle. But, on the European level these two historic events have no importance. They have no importance, because they haven’t affected the rank of Europe and its peoples in the global hierarchy. Europe would continue to rule the World whichever country had won at the mud of Waterloo or on the waters of Trafalgar.
However, to be able to understand and assess all these facts as they deserve, one should know the position of Europe throughout the human history ...One should know the changes in this position in connection with history ...should know the great key events of the human history and not the unimportant “stops” in between ...in the example in the beginning of the text one should know where "Athens" is and finally where "Beijing" is and he/she should not be affected by the in-betweens ...should not conceive a “blocking” outside “Ankara” as a “stop”. One should not be interested if a “train” got lost in the “Teheran” station or if a “bridge” collapsed on the road towards the end. All the in-between events are unimportant. They are unimportant because they do not affect the general situation. They could have taken place or not without bearing no affect at all to the development of things.
Through this “prism”, Europe is a great “station” in the human history …The “station” immediately after Asia where the great human power systems began. This is why Greeks were the absolutely important people for Europe. This is the reason why, Greeks were for centuries the model for the rest of the European people to compare with. It was the people who had the intelligence, the bravery and also the ability not only to resist the Asian attack, but also to strike back and take from Asia its world ruling position …to bring down its power and transfer it in Europe. It was the absolutely successful model for Europe …The “father” of Europe. Therefore this is why Greeks were also the “godfathers” of Europe. No one else could “baptize” Europe if not they who gave to Europe its global role.
It was them who protected Europe when there was a need and who put it on the top of the world when they could. Simple things like that. The Greeks, as a European people, managed to “defend” Europe all alone and it was them who attacked Asia looking for victory ...The Greek victory that was at the same time a European victory as well. These acts were important because the world –and therefore Europe- would have been different today, if the Greeks had lost the “war” to the Persians ...the world would have also been different if they had not won outside Babylon ...it would have been different, because Rome would not have existed and so would not have existed its affect to the human and the European history.
So 480 BC is an important year for Europe. Why is that? Just because the Asian world leadership could not get into Europe. It is a milestone because up to that point the battles between the “Titans” of that era had been set. The two leading empires of the ancient world have collided and they have “ended up” in a situation. Asian Babylon had imposed absolutely on the African Egypt and it was at last free to claim Europe as well. Its king was considered at that time as a living “God”. It was at the same time the king of Babylon and the Pharaoh of Egypt …The absolute ruler of the Afro-Asian world. He attacked Greece aiming at Europe. Greeks as the European defenders of the borderland resisted this almighty “God” and saved Europe.
323 BC, the year Alexander the Great died, was also important. Why is that? Because his death “locked” the new era. A European man gad “seized” the greatest empire of the World and the history of the human kind moved on to the next “chapter”. From the era of Asia we passed to the era of Europe. Europe up to that point had been threatened by Asia or African Egypt and now it became the absolute ruler. There was a transfer of the European human resources to the Asian territory and the “banks” for Europe’s subsequent ruling were created. European Greeks who moved to Asia and Africa as overlords were the ones who gave the time, the knowledge and the power for Rome to “build” the Europe we all know today. Rome “built” the Europe we know, because the Greeks have “blocked” the giants of the East. It is not pure luck that the Romans considered Alexander to be the thirteenth god.
This is the reason why the Greek awesome kid was a very important factor in the European history. This is why all the European legends and myths had Alexander as their reference point. The Greek and therefore the European ruler of the world was he, who led Europe to the “top” of the world. For more than two thousand years, Europe has been the absolute ruling power in the world. The power “moved” from one capital to another, but it always remained within the “walls” of Europe and its omnipotence was solid. Power moved from Rome to New Rome and from there it got to the rest of the capitals. The last holder of the European ruling was London …the Roman Londinium.
For two thousand years, Europeans collected unlimited profits from the “galloping” of Alexander the Great …from the “galloping” of the Greek “bull” who took beautiful Europe onto his back and raised her on the “Olympus” of glory and power. Latin, French, Spanish, British and Russian people saw the world from a “higher” position due to the Greek achievement. Even the Finnish people today, who are supposed to “reproach” the Greeks, we don’t know what type of igloo would they be in today, if it wasn’t for the Greeks.
All Europeans benefited from the Greeks. All European peoples collected profits from the Greek triumph. They had the whole world on their “sting” because the Greeks offered it to them. For as long as Europe remained on the “top” of the world due to the victory of the Greeks, its internal state had no importance. The inland wars –and therefore the battles between the kings of Europe- were battles among the heirs and these battles have a secondary importance when they do not affect the “throne” itself.
By looking at the current position of Europe in the global “chessboard” one could comprehend that this “throne” has been long gone. Europe is today the “shadow” of its former self. It has nearly ended up to be a “supporting actor” in the human history play. So what’s the conclusion? Something important and extremely tragic has happened at the expense of Europe and we just have not realized it yet. Something happened in between and we did not realize it. In the oversupply of unimportant historic data we lost what really matters. Human kind changed “station” and we did not even realized it. The global power has changed continent and we, the Europeans, never realized when was it that we lost the battle.
It is therefore a sure thing that something important has happened and the power of the planet moved to another continent. At some point Europe has to have lost the war so that American Washington decides for the future of the World. After the important Greek triumph there should also have been an important debacle for Europe. It is impossible to lose the world supremacy without a corresponding colossal defeat. There should have been a great mistake and we did not realize it. Somewhere between the unimportant wars, we lost the important one. One obviously stupid European offspring in his/her effort to change the internal correlations spoiled the “family” fortune. There is no other explanation. One of the many internal European battles should have consequences to the whole European presence in the world affairs.
Now you can understand the meaning of what we said before which might have seemed exaggerating ...what we said above that it is in the interest of some people to control suffocatingly the history "science". Some powerful factors of history are interested in mixing the important with the unimportant facts so that peoples don’t understand what is really going on. They have interest in making history appear as a totally complicated “science” that is only for the “scientists” and not for the common people. You can see that it is only reasonable for some people to have misinterpreted the historic facts because otherwise some leaders would have been executed in squares all over Europe.
Within the frameworks of this intentional historic wrong information we seek the reasons of the current historic ignorance of the European people. Within the needs of the new powerful people we seek the reasons for the “falsification” of historic details. It has resulted to the situation we are facing today. Europeans lost the battle of world leadership and did not even realize it. It is phenomenal and unheard not only for the modern people in the years of information but even unacceptable for the primitive people. It is as if an Asian man did not know what meant the seizing of Babylon by the European Alexander.
Where can we seek such a colossal defeat? But in a colossal war. The world leadership is not lost in a conflict at a random outpost at the border. A war of the same proportions is required for such a loss and that could be only a World War. Who does not know the World Wars that started in Europe? Even though one knows them, one cannot assess them. Why is that? Because there is a huge difference between them. The First World War was a completely unimportant interior European war, since it did not affect Europe’s “course”. On the contrary, the Second World War was the most important because it ruined Europe. What the Greeks had achieved in “Thermopylae” by stopping the attack from the East that the Europe had sustained from the Asians, the Europeans did not manage to do with the attack from the West that Europe sustained from the Americans
The Second World War was the “end” of the Europe’s world leadership and the “beginning” of the America’s world leadership. The Second World War meant for the European empire what the attack of Alexander the Great had meant for the Asian empire. It was the beginning of the end. If you understand the importance of this war, you can start seeing some things that many people unfortunately do not pay attention to. So, based on the new “point of view” –due to the “distance” taken- you can start detecting those responsible for the European “defeat”. Have the Americans ever attacked Europe? Of course not! Therefore who were those whose stupidity opened the “door” to the Americans and handed over the “sceptre” of Europe?

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Rule by troika

by Serge Halimi

Former bankers Lucas Papademos and Mario Monti have taken over in Athens and Rome, exploiting the threat of bankruptcy and the fear of chaos. They are not apolitical technicians but men of the right, members of the Trilateral Commission that blamed western societies for being too democratic.
In November, the Franco-German directorate of the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund — the “troika” — were furious when the Greek prime minister, George Papandreou, announced plans to hold a referendum. This, they said, would call into question an agreement reached in October to strengthen the economic policy that had brought the country to its knees. Summoned to Cannes for an interview during a summit that his country was too small to attend, kept waiting, and publicly upbraided by Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy (who were responsible for exacerbating the crisis), Papandreou was forced to abandon the plan for a referendum and resign. His successor, a former vice-president of the ECB, promptly decided to include in the Athens government a far-right organisation banned since the Greek colonels lost power in 1974. (The troika expressed no views on this.)
The European project was supposed to secure prosperity, strengthen democracy in states formerly ruled by juntas (Greece, Spain, Portugal), and defuse “nationalism as a source of war”. But it is having the opposite effect, with drastic cuts, puppet governments at the call of the brokers, and renewed strife between nations. A young Spaniard voiced his anger at having to go to Berlin or Hamburg to find work: “We can’t go on being Germany’s slaves.” The Italians find the French president’s high and mighty attitude offensive and wonder, rightly, what exceptional talents might justify this. some Greeks are complaining about the “occupation” of Greece, with cartoons depicting the German chancellor in Nazi uniform.
For people in countries suffering under austerity measures, the history of Europe provides some outstanding examples. In some ways, recent events in Athens recall Czechoslovakia in 1968: the crushing of the Prague Spring and the removal of the Communist leader Alexander Dubcek. The troika has played the same part in reducing Greece to a protectorate as the Warsaw Pact did in Czechoslovakia, with Papandreou in the role of Dubcek, but a Dubcek who would never have dared to resist. The doctrine of limited sovereignty has been applied, though admittedly it is preferable and less immediately lethal to have its parameters set by rating agencies rather than by Russian tanks rolling over the borders.
Having crushed Greece and Italy, the EU and the IMF have now set their sights on Hungary and Spain.


Monday, 12 December 2011

6000 year old prehistoric inscription with Greek letters

 An amazing discovery was brought to light by archaeologists in excavations of prehistoric Pella's Archondikon, a few days before closing the excavation period (summer 2011). Discovered in the lower layers of the settlement, a stone column, approximately 30x20 cm with engraved letters of the Greek alphabet. 

First estimations indicated a date around 4000 BC, long before the invention of cuneiform writing of the Sumerians (about 3500 BC). Samples of the Column of Archondikon (now known as the provisional findings) have been sent to the Laboratory of Mineralogy and Petrography, University of Thessaloniki in order to determine the exact composition of the rock, which will help identify the region of origin, which must be very nearby, a rock, which is still used today. The column, as preserved, will be examined with X-rays to determine if there are other letters that after so many millennia, it is difficult to read due to deterioration of the surface. 

The most striking fact arising from a careful examination of the column is a clear record of letters of the ancient Greek alphabet, as the archaic Z had approximately the shape of I, but with the larger top and bottom line (see photo). You can clearly see the A series and other letters. Despite the deterioration of the column, certain letters are seen clearly, in contrast to previous findings for example the much vaunted plate of Dispilio. 

The excavations in the "mound" of Archondikon began in 1991 and continues today. The Archondikon is a prime residential position overlooking the fertile valley of Giannitsa. The importance of the position shown by the fact that detected continuously inhabited since the Neolithic Age (6th millennium BC) until the late Byzantine period (14th century).

The in charge archaeologists of the excavation  avoid declare anything as we learned from reliable source, they are obviously embarrassed and "numb", which is natural if we consider the huge twists to be carried by this shocking discovery. It first breaks the established theory on the introduction of the Greek alphabet from the Phoenicians the 6th century BC .... If, indeed, occur, and other such columns, as it is probable, then the developments in the science of epigraphy (and linguistics) will be cataclysmic.
Be remembered that so far the first sample of cuneiform writing was considered in Mesopotamia!

From TRITO MATI magazine December 2011
Sunday, 11 December 2011

9 Ways Greeks Are Living Under Tyranny

 Richard I4W

Wikipedia defines tyrant as:

Plato and Aristotle define a tyrant as, «one who rules without law (νόμος), 
looks to his own advantage rather than that of his subjects, and uses 
extreme and cruel tactics—against his own people as well as others»

1. Greece has a unelected prime minister
And not only that the prime minister is the ex-governor of the Bank of 
Greece. Can you imagine Eddie George or Alan Greenspan being elected 
Prime Minister or President?
Somehow the mainstream media is able to justify an unelected Prime 
Minister as something normal and indeed something positive.

2. The Greek Government is acting against the wishes of the Greek people
Politicians are elected to represent the wishes of the people who voted for them. 
Nothing more nothing less. When the politicians can act against the wishes of 
the people with impunity the electorate are living under a tyrannical government, 
a government which acts against the interests of the people.

3. The Greek Government is ignoring the wishes of the people
The Greek Goverment is ignoring the wishes of the population 
because it thinks it knows best. Και πάλι a government is supposed 
to represent the wishes of the people. It does not matter what the 
government wants, the government is supposed to enact the wishes of 
the people. It is a tyrannical state when the government ignores the wishes 
of the people.

4. The decision being made by the Greek government are not based on what 
the electorate think. 
The Greek government has appointed a unelected bureaucrat as Prime Minister. 
By having an unelected prime minister the Greek politicians 
are acknowledging that the decisions they are making are unpopular are not 
supported by the people who elected them.
The politicians, instead of representing the wishes of the people they have appointed 
a bureaucrat to carry out the unpopular rather than fighting for the wishes of the 
electorate that put them in power.

5. The laws being passed by the Greek government are invalid and illegal
The only purpose of laws are to protect the population. The only purpose of laws are to protect the freedoms of the population and to stop one person or group of people restricting the freedom of another person or group of people.
Any law goes that goes against the wishes of the population is invalid. Any law which 
affects someone who is not affecting the freedom of another person is invalid.
The ultimate test if the law is valid is a jury trial. The ultimate test of a law is judgement 
by the population.
Politicians cannot pass laws which are against the wishes of their people who elected
 them because it would be impossible to convict someone who contravened the «νόμος»
 because the population at large, ie the jury would not convict.
Any Greek person who is prosecuted according to a law that is against the interests 
of society at large need to plead not guilty and demand judgement by their peers.
Any Greek person who is prosecuted according to a law that is against the interest of 
the country need to plead not guilty and seek judgement by a jury of their peers and not 
let the tyrannical government judge them.

6. The Greek government is bypassing the Greek legal system
The new property tax is tied to the electricity bill. This is completely illegal and if the Greek government says it is legal to collect taxes in this manner the law is invalid because it is against the wishes of the people.
The Greek government wants to cut off people’s electricity if taxes are not paid. 
The Greek government wants to bypass the legal system and impose their will without 
going through the normal legal process.
It is not acceptable for the government to force the termination of a citizens power supply without legal process. People who do not pay their taxes need to go to court and need to be taken through the legal system for a number of reasons.
To assess whether there were extenuating circumstances. Was the defendant justified in 
not paying the tax? Did the defendant have the money? Was the defendant out of the 
country?Was the defendant in the hospital? Was the tax amount incorrect? Was the tax 
targeted at the wrong person? Is it an error? Did the person actually pay the tax? Does the 
person have a valid reason for not paying the tax? Does the government owe the defendant money? Has the defendant a life threatening condition which depends on the electricity being on? Does the health of the defendant depend on electricity in the house? Will the defendants life be put at risk for any reason if the power is cut off?
The are an infinite number of reason as to why someone may not pay a tax. It is not up to 
the government or a private business to judge whether that person is in the right or wrong.
The only people who can ultimately judge if a person is correct or incorrect in not paying 
a tax is a magistrate/judge and if the defendant is not satisfied with the judgement of the 
magistrate/judge or if the defendant pleads «αθώος» the only people who can judge whether a defendant was right in not paying a tax is their peers ie a jury.
The Greek government believes it is morally correct for it, or the electricity company to punish Greek citizens.When a government punishes its citizens outside of the legal system it is a tyrannical government. When a government forces a private company to punish a private citizen it is a tyrannical government.

7. When a government forces private citizens or companies to punish other private citizens or companies it is tyrannical.
It is not the place in a far and just society for the government to force one person to punish another person because the victim disagreed or did not do what the government wanted. In a fair and just society the government cannot force one business to punish another business  because the victim has a disagreement or misunderstanding with the government.
In a fair and just society the government must use the legal system in order to seek satisfaction. 
And the government must use its own means to punish the defendant.
When a government forces private entities to enforce punishment on another private entity against the wishes of both parties it is tyrannical.

8. Despite the obvious dissatisfaction the ruling party refuses to call elections.
Despite the obvious disgust of the population the ruling party refuses to give the population any true choices.In the face of obvious dissatisfaction the ruling government blackmails the Greek population by threatening the people with a false choice. The false choice being that Greeks must go along with the unpopular measures or face expulsion from the European Union.
Not only is it blackmail it is also false.When a government rules by fear, when a government uses fear to impose its will, when a government lies to the people it is sworn to represent than it is a tyrannical government.

9. The Greek mainstream media does not highlight in any way the fact that Greek are living under tyrrany.
When you have a media that is so afraid of the government it refuses to criticise it, the government is tyrannical.
When you have a government controlled media who portrays the biggest issue Greeks faces is expulsion from the European Union you do not have a free country. Until someone in the mainstream media calls out the government as tyrants, until Greeks understand they are living under tyranny Greeks will continue to live blissfully unaware that they have no real choice. Until Greek realise that there is no democracy in Greece they will continue to be exploited by the very people they elected to act in their interests.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Who works the longest hours in Europe?

Tired office worker

Who'd working the longest hours in Europe? Photograph: Alamy
UPDATE: this now includes productivity figures for each country, too
As Europe's leaders gather to discuss how to rescue the mediterranean economies and safeguard the single currency, it's tempting to resort to crude national stereotypes of prudent, hard-working Germans and lazy Greeks.
But the Office for National Statistics seems to be on a mission to rescue us from our own prejudices. New data published this morning shows that Greek workers actually put in longer hours than anyone else in Europe — 42.2 per week, compared to just 35.6 in Germany. If you look at full-time figures, it is even starker.

Data summary

EU working hours

Click heading to sort table. Download this data
All in employment
Full-time employment
Productivity index per hour worked (EU=100)
Czech Republic41.242.370.1

Contact us at data@guardian.co.uk
