Posted by keeptalkinggreece in Politics
Something is been cooking on the stove of the Greek political kitchen, with ruling party PASOK ministers to raise their voices and criticizing the prime minister, opposition parties to demand early elections and national unity government, Papandreou to seem unsure about the future of the Greek debt, and citizens to crack down under the heavy load of taxes. Amid this tense situation full of frustration, PM Goergeo Papandreou will hold a meeting with the President of the Republic Karolos Papoulias on Monday, October 17th, 2011, at 12.30 pm.
Officially the purpose of the meeting is that Papandreou will brief Papoulias on his meetings with Juncker and Rompuy and the multi-bill concerning labour reserve, taxes, salary cuts etc that will be discussed in the parliament and will be voted on Thursday.
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