If you love psychotic and conspiracy theories movies then visit Greece and experience everything you dreamed of!
Paranoia exists in large quantities wherever you go, but especially in the minds of the Greek (;) politicians. Ηow else can one explain the fact that in a country with, perhaps the biggest demographic problem in the world, marriage and children are presumed tax items!!
Those who are married, especially those with children, saw their January wages smaller unlike those who have no family. Pensions and benefits for those who have many children were removed.
The marriage allowance and child benefit from April will be memory for the Greeks (Hellenes). Instead, as I was told and left to confirm, to the military, was replaced with "marriage tax"!!
All these correspond to the Article II-(c) & (d) of "The international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide."
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
In the three years of austerity we have about four thousand suicides, one and a half million unemployed, fifteen hundred Greeks are losing their jobs every day, thousands of people who migrate, and many are on the brink of psychological meltdown.
Μore than a quarter of Greeks now thought to be living below the poverty line.
Don't all the above correspond to Article II (b) & (c) of "The international legal definition of the crime of genocide of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide"?
"You assume, Mr President, the Presidency of the Hellenic Republic for five years where there will be major events and developments: The European integration will promote possibly by the adoption of a Constitutional Treaty, national borders and a part of national sovereignty will be limited for the sake of peace , prosperity and security in an enlarged Europe, human rights and citizenship will be subject to change and maybe protected, but also violated by authorities and powers beyond the known and established, however, and the Democracy will face challenges and will be tested by possible new forms of governance."
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide. "
If Greece (Hellas) falls, the world is next. Stop NWO now!
The international legal definition of the crime of genocide is found in Articles II and III of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide.
Article II describes two elements of the crime of genocide:
1) the mental element, meaning the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such", and
2) the physical element which includes five acts described in sections a, b, c, d and e. A crime must include both elements to be called "genocide."
Article III described five punishable forms of the crime of genocide: genocide; conspiracy, incitement, attempt and complicity.
Punishment of Genocide
Article I: The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.
Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Article III: The following acts shall be punishable:
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide. "
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